We would like to kindly inform you that second huge fix pack for a WoW MoonGate server has been released today. Their list below:
- Allow Flight, Ji-Kun fly in Throne of Thunder;
- Fixed inspecting issues;
- Fixed raid encounter saving;
- Spirit Flayers in Throne of Thunder now use smooth path;
- Fixed vendor Sage Lotusbloom;
- Fixed loot for Rare Nessos the Oracle;
- Fixed remove friend not working;
- Fixed pyroblast damage not get extra 25%;
- Fixed trainer portal – Trainer Rundok;
- Fixed some rare/elites in MoP Zones;
- Fixed Paladin retri t15 2p;
- Remove dead code around core;
- Update ton of packets;
- Fixed Elite Haywire Sunreaver Construct;
- Black temple raid imported;
- Rewrite battlepay packet;
- Fixed battlepay storage;
- Fixed actionlist spam and smart target condition;
- Remove weird hack in elwynn forest that caused;
- Sethekk Halls – Scripts was implemented;
- AuchenaiCrypts, ManaTombs, ShadowLabyrinth was implemented;
- Fixed factions of some elite/rares;
- Fixed Ahune Mid Season Event;
- Fixed some quests in duskwood;
- Fixed Get Instance Save checking wrong map;
- Fixed an edge case crash when player buys an item from vendor;
- Fixed inspect packet;
- Fixed SAI not resetting proper;
- Rewrite talent system;
- Change some Object Guid copies to reference;
- Fixed instance encountermask and raidencounter misses;
- Fixed Alani respawn time to 1 week;
- Update member stats on levelup;
- Fixed inspect modifier building and fix Item::BuildItemModifiers function for MoP;
- Rename unk in Spell::EffectActivateObject and add support for it;.
- Fixed a crash when try to load scenarios;
- Fixed spam and actionlists in SAI;
- Fixed Spell Fly Exploit in Jiklun – ToT;
- Fixed loot for Primordius;
- Fixed loot for Animus;
- Port SAI updates from cataclysm;
- Start scripting Secrets of Ragefire scenario;
- Implement new condition for spell_area source type;
- Update skill related packets;
- Fixed crash in ToES;
- Respawn Heart of Fear and Terrace of endless spring;
- Update command flush currency cap;
- Enable Heart of Fear scripts;
- Fixed crash in guilds and add more allocation space to roster packet;
- Fixed some DB errors;
- Fixed NPC Wulon;
- Fixed player doesn’t have fly aura after die in pandaria;
- Fixed alot of level 90 npc with wrong hp;
- New command: instance raidunbind;
- Handle timezones for hour-specific events;
- Fixed missing NPC Coreiel and Aldraan in Nagrand;
- Fixed lightweave and swordguard enchant doesn’t have cooldown;
- Fixed black trillium ore and white trillium ore prospecting;
- Fixed alchemy trainer poisoncrafter Kil’zit and Ni Gentlepaw;
- Fixed quest Spirit Dust;
- Fixed quest Flamebreaker;
- Fixed quest Round 1: The Streetfighter;
- Add missing item to S13 HP;
- Fixed Primordius exit gate being clickable;
- Fixed multiple areatrigger encounters in ToT;
- Update Skill Discovery and Object Loot;
- Add Spell Visual for Biting Cold;
- NPC Garajal Intro should reset to original state after raid wipe;
- Fixed exploit in Council of Elders;
- Implement Make Interruptable;
- Spell Sand Bolt and Wrath of The Loa Boss Council of elder now can interruptable. Also fixed bug when dark engery 100%;
- Vampiric Cave Bat now will attack the highest threat instead of random attacking – Boss Tortos;
- Fixed some npcs not have invisibile displayid;
- Update areatrigger for spell Get Away;
- Fixed client crash from forced movement packet;
- Fixed LeiShi doesbn’t stop attack when defeated;.
- Fixed vendor Shay Pressler and Goram;
- Script Sha of Fear Omnisous crackle;
- Fix Jikun client crash;
- Correct loot for Tsulong normal;
- Fixed respawn on HM (Hellfire Ramparts, Blood Furnace, Shattered Halls, Mechanar)
- Fixed respawn for Endtime heroic;
- Update CMSG_PARTY_INVITE packet;
- Allow Get Selected Unit and Get Selected Player to target players in other map (fixes meeting stone);
- Fixed client crash on worldserver close in BG;
- Remove weird spell hacks related to Stance of the Sturdy Ox;
- Port spell area table from Cataclysm;
- Fixed obsidium deposit loot;
- Fixed saronite deposit loot;
- Fixed rich cobalt depsit loot;
- Fixed small thorium vein and cobalt deposit loot,
- Fixed copper vein loot,
- Fixed elementium vein, rich elementium vein, rich kyparite deposit,
- Respawn a lot of creature/gameboject missing.