On Sunday, February 23, 2020, a package of patches and corrections was released to the server regarding both additions to the last major update and corrections regarding some of the errors that have been revealed since.
Below is the list of changes:
- new craft belts have proper clilocks now;
- failed crafts no longer remove special production ingredients – Crimson Cincture and Luck Mempo;
- modifications have been added to the production mechanics and character containers for a better assessment of your craft abilities and the amount of resources when analyzing the effects of training in mass production (removing the exploit in this regard). In addition, VvV or faction items will no longer be able to be used as crafting resources due to their ease of acquisition;
- the Production System resource code has been consolidated;
- items and characters from Fellowships (Forsaken Foe) Event will now be serialized to prevent them from being generated each time the server starts;
- added encoding for some missing stalables in the Blackthorn Dungeon;
- added resistance to the Ninja Leather Hood;
- Medusa will now be given the chance to drop an additional special prize in the loot – Medusa Floor Tile Addon Deed;
- AOS weapon attributes now affect armor;
- Protection now expires when the player dies;
- fixed encoding loopholes that could result in crashes when player operating the PVP Arena gumps;
- exceptional damage will no longer provide bonus engagement points in Cleanup Britannia;
- the Stygian Dragon artifacts generation mechanics have been fixed – now they fall out according to EA.
In addition, we have released an updated version of the Classic UO overlay today. Link to the current version along with a description of the installation can be found here.