MoonGate - Polski Serwer Ultima Online, Valheim, Legends of Aria, World of Warcraft, ArcheAge, Conan Exiles

How to cross the gate to Britannia

Post has published by Lord Fenris

Welcome to the wonderful world of Ultima Online – WarCry: Britannia! You have traveled long to reach this goal, and this will be your guide in learning the basics of functioning in this world. In this guide I will describe a bit how to choose a client, create your character, present the basics of a character (moving, plundering, fighting), which can be done with the help of individual skills, statistics in the game, equipment and a few other things that can help you. Start discovering and learning the rest, however you choose.

1.First, choose the type of Client you want to play on. It is possible to have both versions of the game

Enhanced –
with a new graphic design (recommended)
Classic – 2D
with old graphic design – for weaker computers
Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie uo3d2-3-1024x576.jpg
Ultima Online Enhanced
Ultima Online Classic
Ultima Online Classic
link to the client – UO in the Enhanced version HERElink to the client – UO in the Classic 2D version HERE

After downloading the game client unpack it on your computer.

2.Assistant to run the game

Enhanced game version UO3DLauncher
Download link HERE
Classic 2D game version UO Razor
Download link HERE
download, unzip and install the UO3DLauncher file
(when installing, select the language of the English installer
  [Ie. option “ingilizce”] and confirm the choice [button “tamam”] –
  the rest of the installer will already be in English).
download and install the UO Razor program following the steps of the installer

Some antivirus programs can classify the assistant as a potential risk because it contains the “.exe” executable file. Therefore, in the case of connection problems with our server, we recommend giving .exe files to the trusted program clause options in the anti-virus options. Similarly, in the case of problems with entering the server, we recommend that you check whether your firewall and anti-virus (eg Windows Defender) is not blocked port number 2595 – please add it to the list of exceptions. In case of no effect – we recommend completely deactivating the anti-virus / firewall for the duration of the game.

3.Starting the Game

in the case of the Enhanced game version:in the case of the older version of the game – Classic 2D:
– we start the game with the shortcut UO Enhanced Luncher,
which after installation will appear on your desktop
(to connect we do not use the shortcut of the game itself
  i.e. the “Ultima Online Enhanced Client” shortcut);
In the window that opens, you should:
– in the field UO SA Client path choose the location of the installed game:
[uosa.exe file] – if it is different from that given;
– enter the server’s IP in the server field:
– in the port field: 2595
– press PLAY
After launching the game, you can freely shape the screen elements,
including expanding the game window, moving and blocking elements (windows / bars).
Additionally in the options menu (esc button)
You can also change the way you display bags and containers, health bars, mana, etc.
You can do it by including “classic” settings in the option menu tab (/ user settings / legacy) and Advanced settings in the options menu tab (/ user settings / healthbars / Status Window Style).
– we start the game with the Razor program installed.
In the Razor window, enter the following numbers in the server and port fields:
Server IP:
Server port: 2595
We check the “Patch client encryption” option before pressing the OK button (unless it has been selected by default), but do not check the “Use OSI encryption” option.
Already in the game – to improve the comfort – you can increase the game resolution and dimensions of the game window (in the UO / graphic settings [display / game play window size]).
UO Enhanced Luncher
Ultima Online Classic Luncher

After starting the installed assistant, the server login window will appear. Enter your own login and password (they do not have to be logins / passwords identical to those on our website) and the account on the game server will be automatically created**. Create your character and start the adventure!
** An attempt to create an account with the login already in use will fail, please choose a different login in this case.Time for our first character.


Check the box below next Click on the text Continue for Enhanced version or Next arrow in the case of Classic version


Then the server selection will pop out
It is easy to guess that only Britannia will be selected and we click NEXT.

Time for our first character 🙂 We reserve that due to the lack of an elven race on the server (not present in the Second Age and Renaissance Era) – you should choose the human race. Any characters created as elves will automatically be transformed into human. Also, please do not choose the following abilities at the start: bushido, imbuing, spellweaving, necromancy, chivalry, misticism, ninjitsu. They are visible in the game client because we rely on its new version – while in the Second Age and Renaissance Eras these abilities were not used.

Users of the classic 2D version of the game can use the special overlay (in beta) enriching the capabilities of this – older – version of Ultima.
Details – how to use the overlay – can be found at this link.

If at the start of the game you will get a message about the missing file d3dx9_34.dll or other similar .dll file, install DirectX End-User Runtime available at the link –
This will install a DirectX package that also contains older versions of the libraries used by the game.

In connection with the information received by some players, that one of the files of the latest UO Enhanced 3D version can be falsely considered by antyvirus softwares as malware (eg Bitdefender does) which can block the game – we recommend that you specify Ultima folders or at least uopatch.exe, uosa.exe and uosa_tc.exe files – as trusted folders (applications) in the list of your anti-virus exceptions.
After completing the game download and installation process, close the installer window (do not press PLAY)

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