The Mechanism of Contributors (Supporter – hereinafter SC) is an option for Donors who decide to support our project with their donation on a monthly basis.
We count on your favor and understanding for the need for us to have secured funds, which are to ensure the maintenance of our – after all – common initiative. Similar solutions are more and more common – as part of various projects – all over the world. Suffice it to add that nowadays almost every project regarding mass online gameplay – is based on various stages of development – on crowdfunding.
Our goal is that people who join this idea and take their account on the UO standard with the status of a contributor, will be able to use extraordinary amenities. So now:

- you can indicate one or more accounts you own to the mechanism (each reported account requires a separate donation);
- accounts covered by the contributor mechanism are not subject to the account limits of a given Player (thus the Player will be allowed to have more than 2 accounts);
- each person who joins this model of our support will receive a special tag (Supporter) on Discord and access to an additional closed channel – dedicated to Supporter;
- for each of the accounts reported to the mechanism – a special Contributor’s sash with the Blessed status will be sent. It will contain 5 chosen by you skill bonuses (10 points each skill) and additional attributes Night Sight, Lower Reagent Costs at 50 points, Luck at 500, Mana Increase at 8, Mana Regeneration at 3, Hit Point Regeneration at 2 and Physical resist at 20%. Sash will be saturated with power for 30 days from the moment of its first use (it will show you the timer) and then it will be renewed as long as you maintain the SC status on the account on which you have it. Below is an example photo of Sash:

- characters from SC accounts will get an additional chance for a bonus ability gain point when the gain is scored. Therefore, if the character had skill 50.2 and would gain +0.1 gain, he will additionally get a chance for a simultaneous, bonus gain +0.1 (so in total gain +0.2 points). The bonus gain will apply regardless of the current level of the ability being trained, but it will be a bit less when training skills at high levels;
- for each account submitted to the SC – 100 Sovereigns will get to the decor or other donation awards every month;
- in addition, accounts with contributor status will have an additional chance to get special decorations for your homes from loot and other sources (e.g. treasure maps rewards). The decors that can be drawn will be changed monthly.
The Supporter’s benefits mentioned above may be subject to – over time – additional modifications. The funds obtained in this way will be used to maintain the infrastructure provided to you (server, server software, website, hosting, domains, graphics licenses, etc.).
We set the equivalent of a single account entry to the Contributor Mechanism at PLN 20 (circa 5$) per month (payment via our Crowdfunding Module). We wanted this rate to be fair – in terms of benefits – and not drain too much of anyone’s pocket.
Any comments on the proposed model and possible ideas for bonuses can be directed to the Suggestions channel of our Discord.
We would like to thank you very much for every – even small – support of our project.