MoonGate - Polski Serwer Ultima Online, Valheim, Legends of Aria, World of Warcraft, ArcheAge, Conan Exiles

English Board

Post has published by Lord Fenris
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  • Fenris
    Member since: January 26, 2020

    assuming years ago, the first shard of Ultima Online was our goal to create a Polish server for this game, reflecting the official mechanics of the world of Sosaria. A world that was supposed to give you the pleasure of interacting with other players. In subsequent years and editions of shard, this concept has evolved, and the requests received from parts of our community to dwell on the idea of ​​developing other worlds have not gone unnoticed.

    Creating the first edition of the UO server, among various suggestions for a name for our new world, we decided on MoonGate due to the association of this name with the public moon gates of the universe created by Richard Garriot. For that time and subsequent years, this name became an indispensable element of our project, permanently inscribing in the fate and history of the Polish UO community. It was not an ideal name, it did not have the proverbial “claw” but its climate shocked our need at that time.

    However, subsequent years have passed and the MoonGate project has increasingly focused its attention on other virtual worlds, leading for some time including Helbreath server and Dark Age of Camelot.
    Currently, our teams’ attention is divided into the UO path, but also Legends of Aria and World of Warcraft and recently also Black Desert. For this reason, the name MoonGate – referring in fact – to one UO world, has lost its usefulness a bit.

    Due to the above, taking the next step forward, I decided that from next week, all our servers will operate under the new logotype and changed name.

    Putting the well-deserved name MoonGate on the shelf, we take over a new name for our servers – WarCry, which, depending on the game world, will be supplemented with a designation identifying the shard (e.g. WarCry: Azeroth in the case of the WoW world and WarCry: Sosaria in the case of the UO world).

    I trust that the new name will find your acceptance and will quickly and permanently enter the consciousness of the Polish community of multiplayer online games.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by FenrisLord Fenris.
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