We would like to kindly inform you that due to the increasing number of reports regarding the use of various game assistant options by some Players, which allow the use of scripts providing unfair advantage over other players, or to achieve effects that fill the signs of exploits, as of today the encoding of our server will be supplemented with a limiting mechanism the possibility of using some additional programs and options of approved assistants – to the extent that collides with shard mechanics.
Ultimately – tomorrow, the system will be reconfigured in such a way as to ensure direct communication between our server your game assistants – to limit the possibility of using some problematic options. Consequently, using these assistants will require tomorrow the “Negotiate features with server” option in them to correspond to their options on the server side.
If you do not select this option in your assistants, this will result in a message in the game and a kick from the server until the indicated option is selected.
UO Razor, UO Assist and UO Steam will continue to be acceptable assistant software – however, when blocking some options that interfere with the game’s mechanics (e.g. ensuring night vision without having the appropriate items / spell giving such possibilities).