Today, i.e. 31/03/2020, a package of patches has been uploaded to the server – eliminating errors revealed in recent days.
Here are the patchnotes:
- over 800 script files were modified to remove references to older versions of UO, which will definitely improve the work of the server kernel and work on future updates of the game world encoding;
- information about saving the state of the world will no longer be displayed in the game window;
- pets now heal owners who are poisoned;
- shipwright in Tokuno docks now sell galleons;
- commodity deed description now contains boards color;
- fixes Spellbinders – should only have one body value and never spawn as a skeleton;
- swamp dragon armor do not reduce damage dealt to the rider – it’s fixed now;
- added Bag of Gold, Bag of Gems, and Bag of Regs to Treasure Map contents;
- Honor now updates perfect % property when perfection is achieved;
- Remove Trap now gains property on GM made traps;
- Nether Blast and Nether Cyclone now will combat flag caster on the mobile damaged;
- fixed issue where alchemy special scrolls couldn’t be dropped from special scroll books;
- removed bad spawns from spawners;
- Cora can now be counted as a kill in A Forced Sacrafice Quest;
- fixed issue where Mysterious Potion wasn’t working on Cora’s mana attack;
- added a number of patches to spawn points for some areas in the game.