MoonGate - Polski Serwer Ultima Online, Valheim, Legends of Aria, World of Warcraft, ArcheAge, Conan Exiles

Another update package for the Ultima Online server

On Tuesday, February 23, we implemented another package of fixes to the UO server, complementing the modifications described in the last article, and regarding the loss of certain amounts of durability points and maximum durability in the case of equipment covered by insurance (in the course of covering the equipment with further insurance – in connection with the death of the Player ).

In the last update package, the described durability loss mechanism applied to insured weapons and armor / shields in possession of the killed character. As of today, the catalog of items subject to the mechanism of durability loss and maximum durability also includes blessed equipment, cursed equipment, and magic clothing with a durability parameter. Similarly as recently described, also these changes are aimed at the gradual elimination of objects permanently secured against loss from the game world, so that their existence would not be “eternal”. This, in turn, is to increase the interest in magical items, including equipment produced by players with the use of runic tools, due to the need to successively recreate battle equipment. A secondary goal is to increase the competitiveness of such products against PvM loot.

Below I publish a list of today’s modifications:

  • the possibility of insuring magic runes has been limited;
  • the mechanism of losing a certain random number of durability points and maximum durability has been added for the insured clothing with such parameters;
  • equipment items with the status of “blessed” (weapons, armor, clothing with the durability parameter, etc.) owned by the player’s character, at the time of death will now receive a small, range value of the loss of durability and maximum durability of the item. These losses will be half that of the losses received by the Player’s equipment – covered by insurance;
  • items of equipment with the “cursed” status (weapons, armor, clothing with the durability parameter, etc.) owned by the player’s character, at the time of his death will now receive the number of durability losses and maximum durability of the item. These losses will be higher than the losses received by the equipment insured upon character death, the status of “cursed object” will still be removable by sacrifice to dark priests.
    Durability loss and maximum durability value on a scale from highest to lowest:
  • cursed item – impossible to be covered by insurance and blessing without removing the “cursed” status (higher losses of durability and maximum durability);
  • insured item – possible for insurance and blessing status (loss of durability and maximum durability at an intermediate level);
  • blessed item – impossible to be covered by insurance due to a higher level of protection (loss of durability and maximum durability at the lowest level);

In addition, in the coming days, we plan to deactivate the Self Repair properties in new and already functioning items in the game world.

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