MoonGate - Polski Serwer Ultima Online, Valheim, Legends of Aria, World of Warcraft, ArcheAge, Conan Exiles

The premiere of LOA on Steam has been postponed

We would like to kindly inform you that due to the necessity of eliminating errors in data synchronization between the game client and the server revealed during recent tests – Citadel Studios, together with alpha social media administrators, decided to postpone the release of Legends of Aria on Steam on December 4th.

We are aiming the new date of the premiere in the upcoming Christmas or the beginning of 2019. Which of these terms will ultimately be applicable, will depend on the results of advanced tests of both prepared and already worked out patches.

At the same time, in view of the importance of ongoing work for the stability of the entire game network (also clusters connecting our world with the Citadel network) our team decided today to extend the Game Headstart, until the implementation of effectively corrected server files. In the joint assessment of both the Publisher and us, the implementation of necessary adjustments – after sharing our worlds to Steam players – could significantly complicate the process necessary to carry out, exposing a large group of players to the inconvenience of side effects of potentially ineffective progress in game server databases.

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