MoonGate - Polski Serwer Ultima Online, Valheim, Legends of Aria, World of Warcraft, ArcheAge, Conan Exiles

Cooking Extension, Ranching, Agriculture and much more …


I am in a hurry to inform you about the planned implementation on our server of a very advanced extending cooking mechanics, along with a whole series (almost 1000 files) of additions that will turn upside down (positively) this – so forgotten by the creators – the area of ​​game.

For a long time – in conversations within the Game Masters group, we wondered how to enrich our world so that both cooking, the use of meals and drinks as well as the production of own products by players was of dignity. We considered a number of solutions, but – as a result of the discussion – we rejected those that could be a nuisance to you (e.g. the hunger and thirst mechanism used in the old MG) for solutions that provide entertainment, and bonuses that guarantee measurable benefits to those who want in the possibilities of the new extension to be included.

Accurate description of all areas that will be implemented – within this powerful system, on the one hand, would be pointless (a huge wall of text would be created), and on the other, it would deprive you of the satisfaction of exploring all the secrets yourself.

Therefore, below we publish only the most important aspects of the extension, do not delve in detail into its meanders, so as not to take away the joy of independent exploration of the changed world of Sosaria 🙂

Crop system with new cuttings.

As part of the implementation of our new system, the range of products offered by NPC Gardener will increase. It will also sell the seeds of a number of new plants – possible to grow on your fields. The crops were designed to reproduce over time. In turn, harvests obtained from crops will serve as components of a number of new products in the game. The system is still under development, but we invite you to explore its secrets ?

New Recipies

With the implemented add-on, recipes for new products will also gradually appear in the game world. Some of them can be purchased from the NPC – e.g. a baker. Others, in turn, get as loot from creatures (percentage chance).

We do not exchange their letters specifically so as not to take away your fun. The recipes will eventually become necessary for the production of a specific type of product.

Animals Updating

This package allows for your animals to act more like animals. Deer run from players, wolves hunt deer. Bears steal your food and eat your crops. An so on.

Also this changes bring a new element to the animal system. Animal Husbandry. You want to be a farmer? Now you can. I’ve included a number of farm animals, so to give examples on how this system can be used. Most of them have specific breeds. Cows, for example, have breeds for milk and meat. Sheep have milk, meat and wool breeds. They can be cross-bred but the best milk-givers are purebreds. Chickens lay eggs daily in nests.

Animals can also age now. They’re born, they age, they reproduce and they die (unless they’re killed before then).

The various animals have different cuts of meat…which are all cookable. We added also many of new tools and containers for example Milking Bucket, Milk Keg, Butter Churn, Cream Pitcher, Measuring Cup. The Milk Keg is where milk is collected after milking. Can be poured into pitchers from the keg, for drinking. Or the Cream Pitcher can target the keg and skim cream. The Measuring cup may be targeted by either the keg or cream pitcher to get a cup of cream or milk. I made it to display the age of milk (loosely).

Wild animals are Base Animals that can be turned into mounts with the Bridle or pack horse/llama with the saddlebag. There are two distros here. Included just so when you release the pack animal, it shakes off its pack and becomes a wild animal again.


Next big addon with many of new stuff. Ranch Stone, Ranch Extension Deed, Fences, Gates, Fencing Hammer, Branding Iron and Fencing Kit. And of course a Stockman to sell ranch stuff.

The ranch stone is the heart of the ranch. Only the owner (the one who placed it) can access the gump. With the gump you can get the Fencing Hammer and Branding Iron. You can also transfer ownership of any branded animals to another player, transfer the ranch to another player, unlock all the fences/gates, absorb a nearby ranch that you already own or redeed the ranch stone. When the stone is redeeded it unlocks all the fences of that ranch (fences placed with that fencing hammer) while leaving any neighboring fences locked. The ranchstone can only be placed in legal housing regions.

The branding iron works like this. When you first tame an animal, you can brand it. You then become the owner of it and it displays your brand. When it produces offspring, if it’s the mother, you retain ownership of those offspring, but your brand is gone. You may brand those offspring without first taming them. If you fail to brand them, and they produce offspring, you no longer own them and you must tame them to brand them.

When you reclaim an animal, if you’re the owner, you automatically get control of it…as if you tamed it. Transfer Animal works about like this except you give the animal to another player.

The fencing hammer sets the fences and gates into the ground (so they don’t decay). Both must be purchased from the Stockman or crafted with the Fencing Kit. Gates may only be opened by the owner of the ranch, to prevent his livestock from escaping.

And finally, the Mildred the Animal Trader. She doesn’t actually sell any animals. But she will buy them (purchase prices will be successively monitored by us).  

Milk, cheese ect.

This is a system for milking cows, sheep, and goats, and producing cheese from  that milk.

Tool Items included:

MilkBucket – Double click and target a cow, sheep, or goat to gather milk. The animal will tire out and need a rest after a little while. Once you have milk gathered you can fill a cheese form with it (needs 15 liters) or fill a potion bottle (needs one liter).

Once you start milking a certain type of animal, you can’t switch with that bucket until it’s empty. For example, you can gather 15 liters from a cow, fill a cheese form, and start milking a sheep or goat, but you can’t milk 2 liters from a cow, fill a potion bottle, and then try and milk a goat or sheep from that same bucket, since it will still have milk in it. Buckets hold 50 liters.

CheeseForm – Fill with milk from a bucket then double-click to start the fermentation process. Once the fermentation process is complete you can harvest cheese from the form. There is a small chance based on the cooking skill of the character to fail, as well as a small chance to get a magic cheese.

Both of these items have very detailed gumps 

Food Items included for example:

  • BottleCowMilk – A potion bottle filled with cow milk;
  • BottleGoatMilk –  A potion bottle filled with goat milk;
  • BottleSheepMilk – A potion bottle filled with sheep milk;
  • FromageDeVache – a full wheel of cow cheese;
  • FromageDeVacheWedge – a 3/4 wheel of cow cheese;
  • FromageDeVacheWedgeSmall – a 1/4 wedge of cow cheese;
  • FromageDeChevre – a full wheel of goat cheese;
  • FromageDeChevreWedge – a 3/4 wheel of goat cheese;
  • FromageDeChevreWedgeSmall – a 1/4 wedge of goat cheese;
  • FromageDeBrebis – a full wheel of sheep cheese;
  • FromageDeBrebisWedge – a 3/4 wheel of sheep cheese
  • FromageDeBrebisWedgeSmall – a 1/4 wedge of sheep cheese

The full wheels can be carved to produce one “3/4” wheel (called “[name] Wedge”) and one “1/4” wedge (called “[name]WedgeSmall”)

The “3/4” wheels can be carved to produce 3 more “1/4” wedges. (called “[name]WedgeSmall”)

There’s no actual name difference on the items themselves, since the graphic changes make it obvious. Products were modified to be carvable. However, the new wedges are all unique objects, they won’t “mix” with each other or with regular cheese

The carving system was added to other objects too, as a way to divide portions for cooking or consumption. (That, and it felt silly needing a whole wheel of cheese to make a pizza),

Magic Cheese Food included: (these work like the magic fish)

  • FromageDeChevreMagic – Magic goat cheese. Boosts strength.
  • FromageDeVacheMagic – Magic cow cheese. Boosts intelligence.
  • FromageDeBrebisMagic – Magic sheep cheese. Boosts dexterity.

You get these occasionally while making cheese. They’re not useful in a cooking sense (yet :)).


Players can tend to a somewhat realistic beehive and harvest excess honey and wax. Like the plant system, players use potions to care for the hive and must provide flowers and water. Raw wax must be rendered to be used.

Apiculture is the science (and some say art) of raising honey bees, also know as beekeeping. Bees live together in groups called colonies and make their homes in beehives. Tending a hive is not as easy as it may sound, although it can be a very rewarding experience. To start on the path of the apiculturist, all one needs is a beehive deed and an area with plenty of flowers and water.

 There are 3 distinct stages in a beehive’s development:

  • Colonizing – the hive sends out scouts to survey the area and find sources of flowers and water.
  • Brooding – egg laying begins in full force as the hive gets ready to begin full scale production.
  • Producing – after a hive reaches maturity, it begins producing excess amounts of honey and wax.

The health of a hive is measured in two ways:

  • over all health and
  • bee population.

 Over all health offers an indication of the average bee’s well being:

  • Thriving – the bees are extremely healthy. A thriving colony produces honey and wax at an increased rate.
  • Healthy – the bees are healthy and producing excess honey and wax.
  • Sickly – the bees are sickly and no longer producing excess resources.
  • Dying – if something isn’t done quickly, bee population will begin to drop.

Bee population is a rough estimate of the number of bees in a hive. More bees does not always mean better for a large hive is more difficult to maintain. More water and flowers are needed in the area to support a large hive (the range a hive can check for flowers and water is increased as the hive gets larger). If the conditions get bad enough, a colony of bees will abscond, leaving an empty hive behind.

Like any living thing, bees are susceptible to attacks from outside forces. Be it parasites or disease, the apiculturist has a plethora of tools at their disposal:

  • Greater Cure potions can be used to combat diseases such as foulbrood and dysentery. These potions can also be used to neutralize excess poison.
  • Greater Poison potions can be used to combat insects (such as the wax moth) or parasites (such as the bee louse) that infest a hive. Care must be used! Too many poison potions can harm the bees.
  • Greater Strength potions can be used to build up a hive’s immunity to infestation and disease.
  • Greater Heal potions can be used to help heal the bees.
  • Greater Agility potions give the bees extra energy allowing them to work harder. This will boost honey and wax output as well as increase the range the bees can search for flowers and water.

Managing and caring for the hive is done using the Apiculture gump. Almost every aspect of the hive can be monitored from here. Down the left side of the gump are the status icons:

  • Production – this button brings up the production gump where the beekeeper can harvest the goods the hive has to offer.
  • Infestation – a red or yellow hyphen here means the hive is infested by parasites or other insects. Use poisons to kill the pests.
  • Disease – a red or yellow hyphen here means the hive is currently diseased. Using cure potions will help the bees fight off the sickness.
  • Water – this icon displays the availability of water in the area. Be warned, water breeds disease carrying bacteria, so too much water can make a hive more susceptible to disease.
  • Flowers – this icon provides an indication of the amount of flowers available to the hive. Bees use flowers and their by-products for almost every function of the hive including building and food. Too many flowers in the area, however, can bring the bees into contact with more parasites and insects.

Notes: a single beehive can support up to 100 thousand bees. A healthy hive can last indefinitely, however, an older hive is more susceptible to infestation and disease.

 A hive’s growth check is performed once a day during a world save. The upper right hand corner of the Apiculture gump displays the results of the last growth check:

  • ! Not healthy
  • ! Low resources
  • – Population decrease
  • + Population growth
  • + Stage increase/Resource production

Most of the above information is available via an in-game help gump.

To run your own beehive you must get “ApiBeehiveDeed” from the seller (Beekeeper). Make sure there is some water around the planned hive site (items with “water” in the title) and flowers (items with “flower”, “snowdrop” or “poppie” in the title) for use by bees. They can be statics or real objects.

You will use “HiveTool” and “ApiSmallWaxPot” acquired from the supplier to operate the hive. Beehives produce “Raw Beeswax”, which can be added to a small wax pot [via gump]. The pot can hold up to 255 units of wax. Then the player must stand next to the heat source and click “Render Wax” in the gump. There is a chance of failure if all the wax is not rendered (up to 1/5 of the amount). Any unsuccessful remelting of wax will result in “slumgum” waste. Honey and wax obtained from the hives can later be used to produce a number of products and new items in the game.

New Foods and drinks with bonuses

A number of new products have been added and the encoding of food and drinks has been modified to ensure during production – the chance to give the product a temporary bonus to statistics and/or skills on consumption. Any increase in statistics as a result of consuming / drinking the bonus product will last as long as the food fill factor multiplied by 15 minutes. So if your product has a fill factor of 4, the bonus will last 1 hour, until you reach the level of hunger / thirst again.

The Wax Stuff Crafting

The system uses alchemy and is based on a cap of 100. It is centered on the Wax Crafting Pot. Out of wax you have to craft the base resources (blank candles and candle wicks). with those you can craft the following items:


  • Short, Short Colored (colored candles require dyes and are randomly hued when crafted)
  • Long, Long Colored (colored candles require dyes and are randomly hued when crafted)
  • Skull Candle (requires a special candle fit skull – very rare loot)
  • Candle of love (requires Essence of Love -very rare loot)

Decorative items (not usable for candle creation):

  • Dipping Stick (flipable)
  • Some blank candles
  • Pile of blank candles
  • Raw Wax Bust (can be used by anyone with 100 Anatomy to show the face of a targeted player -> “Wax Bust Of *Players Name*”)
  • and many others

Wax can be obtained, among others by separating it from honeycombs. However, you need a special tool – Honeycomb Processing Kettle to separate honey and wax. Getting the tool, however, requires completing a special quest with an old man in the game. We leave it to you ?

At the end ….

As you can see, writing only about a few issues, the description has become a wall of the text. Therefore, we encourage you to explore other areas of the new extension not listed here.

Due to the fact that the add-on being implemented is probably the largest, so far, extension of our server mechanics, we cannot exclude that some parts of the encoding will malfunction or require corrections eliminating errors, which can only be caught on a live server – with active players. In the coming weeks, we will focus on eliminating the vulnerabilities discovered and for any inconvenience caused by their possible occurrence – we are already sorry.


[…] Extension with Ranching/Agricultiral etc scripts was implemented – link.In the following days we will successively activate individual modules of this system and implement […]
[…] bonuses to statistics or skills – based on the raw materials that can be obtained in the Advanced Cooking System. More on this topic coming […]

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